
How it works

The aliases can be used anywhere instead of a Kameleon command. Some aliases are provided with the templates in the steps/aliases/defaults.yaml files within your workspace.

An alias is define by its name as a key and a list of commands as a value. You can call an alias with any number of arguments given in a list.

The alias access this arguments using the @arg_index notation. The argument index start at 1. So, @1 is the first argument @2 is the second ans so on.

A good example is the alias define to copy from the out to the in context:

# alias definition
    - exec_in: mkdir -p $(dirname @2)
    - pipe:
        - exec_out: cat @1
        - exec_in: cat > @2
# alias call
    - ./my_file_out
    - ./copy_of_my_file_in

Custom aliases file

New in version 2.4.0.

You can add your own aliases by adding a new aliases file in your steps in the step/aliases/ path. For example you could create an alias for installing packages in Debian in a file name my_aliases.yaml:

# My aliases
    - exec_in: apt-get install -y --force-yes @1

Then add the aliases section your recipe to override the template’s one and add your own aliases file to the defaults and use it:

extends: default/qemu/debian7

    - defaults.yaml
    - my_aliases.yaml


    - my_step:
        - install_python:
            -deb_install_in: python python-dev